March 16, 2008

First I went by plane to Stockholm. I managed to scare off the man wearing a suit that was supposed to sit next to mum so that I got my own seat. However I didn't get a chance to use it because I fell asleep on take off and didn't wake up again until we landed almost three hours later. It's hard having to wake up at 04:30 in the morning.
Then we took another flight to Gothenburg. And then I had to go by car. It was all very tiring. To get onto the second flight mum had to leave a fingerprint and taste my food. They were checking if she was for real. You are not allowed to bring mums onto the airplanes these days that are not for real.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Svaka töffari.
Ég vona að hann hafi ekki hrotið of mikið á ferðalaginu
k. Pabbi

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